
Monday, August 29, 2016

Perfect Hard Boiled FRESH Eggs

For those of you who love to buy farm fresh eggs AND want the perfect hard boiled eggs  - read on. If you use store bought eggs, or just don't care to ever make hard boiled eggs, I will save you the trouble. Stop now. Come back for a different post.

I have read all kinds of tips and tricks on how to get the perfect hard boiled eggs using fresh eggs. Because, you know, I have a ton of eggs from our lovely chickens. Most sources have come to the conclusion it just wasn't possible. BUT, thanks to a wonderful friend - I have the solution! Well, she has the solution and shared it with me. AND, gave permission for me to share with you!

This fabulous, amazing, wonderful friend did a TON of experimenting over several months. And wrote everything down. Thanks to her, we don't have to continue on our search for the perfect hard boiled egg using farm fresh eggs.

I was shocked at how easy it is. No special ingredients needed.

Are you ready? It's so simple, you are going to go make some immediately.

The trick? Bring the water to a rolling boil first. Yes, BEFORE you put eggs into the water.

Put eggs into the boiling water. I use a slatted metal scoop 'thingy' I have. One of those tools that come in handy but I have no idea where it came from or what it is called. Please, don't let your hands touch the boiling water. It will hurt.

Set your timer for 15 minutes. I turn the water down to a med/high temp to keep a rolling boil going but preventing the dreaded boil over.

Once the timer dings, carefully drain the boiling water out and add cold water. Dump the cold water and add a second round of cold water. This will help stop the cooking process and make the eggs cool enough to handle.

Then, peel away! Perfect smooth eggs every time.

Now, go make some deviled eggs, egg salad, potato salad, or whatever your heart's desire.

Until next time...

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