
Friday, May 23, 2014

egg and noodle

Egg and Noodle - this has got to be one of our all time favorites. There are NO leftovers - ever. I know - it looks kind of gross and sounds extra gross. But really, everyone likes this dish. No kidding. I served it to a bunch of boys a while back and had their mom's asking for the recipe because the boys said it was SOOOO good.

My husband found this recipe several years ago, but I have no idea where. He made it for me during my first pregnancy. Something that didn't make me sick and I could stand the smell of it cooking! BIG win. This is a very simple recipe and you can add in lots of stuff to add flavors/veggies that work well with your family.

5 eggs
3/4c milk
spaghetti (cooked)
butter (for pan)
~1c mozzarella cheese
spaghetti sauce

Preheat oven to 350 F.
Cook the spaghetti according to directions on box, drain and set aside.
Using a cast iron skillet (or something that can go into the oven), melt ~2 tbsp butter in skillet.
In separate bowl, whip eggs and milk together.
Pour eggs into skillet. partially cook the eggs. Put noodles on top so they sink in a little to the uncooked eggs.
Sprinkle cheese on top.
Drizzle with ~1/4c spaghetti sauce.

Place skillet in oven. Bake for ~15 minutes, until eggs are cooked.

Family Rating: 5 out of 5

For Healthier makeover use these ingredients and follow same directions as above:
3 eggs, 2 egg whites
3/4 c skim milk
spaghetti (whole wheat or similar)
cooking spray
~1/2c mozzarella cheese
spaghetti sauce
onion, pepper, spinach (saute these in skillet and then mix in noodles)

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