
Friday, November 22, 2013

Crochet projects 2013

It is getting cold again - a time I usually start turning to my yarn for projects. There is not much better than curling up on the couch with some yarn, hot chocolate, a fire burning, and the TV on chick flicks!! Seriously, one of my favorite ways to spend an evening. Now, if we could just get our fireplace converted back to wood burning, I would be set!

Last night, I was able to whip up this hat and scarf for my youngest. She picked out the hot pink at one of the big box stores. I usually don't buy that kind of yarn - it is rough and hard on the hands. But that is what she really wanted. I combined it with a lovely grey SOFT fuzzy yarn I picked up on sale at Twisted Knitter - the local yarn shop. The button was also from Twisted Knitter. Seriously, they have some AMAZING buttons. Again - the 4 year old picked this one out. It doesn't exactly match, but she loves it so we are all happy - even if she likes to show off her pouty face.

We took a few pics this morning - and yes those are her pajama pants. I at least was able to convince her the jean jacket would work better than her red sweatshirt. Your eyes can thank me now. :)

I hope to get through several more projects over Thanksgiving.

Happy yarning!

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