
Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy Packing - oh New Year?

I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and had a great celebration to bring in the new year. I spent the day packing and went to bed by 8:30! Not much of a party girl I guess.

We have just 7 days until we have to be out of our house! EEK! We have made some great progress with packing, but still have a ways to go. I just started doing my craft/sewing space. It is a bit overwhelming. I am so good going through everything else and getting rid of things we are not using. Even the kids did a great job getting rid of toys. I must say, that all changed when I got to MY stuff (the fun stuff that is).

We are not entirely sure where we will be moving to. We are under contract with a property, but things are still up in the air a bit. Even if we do close, we won't know for sure what day until the very end. So, we may just be homeless for a couple of days. 

As for my weight, yes, I gained a little over the holidays. But, after weigh in this morning - I am still in an overall net weight LOSS as compared to where I was a year ago. So, I will take that as success. And, since we got Boomer I have been walking a whole lot more. Now that we are past the holidays and I am a bit sick of all the junk food - it is a good time to really try hard again to drop a few pounds. Not to mention all the exercise I get while packing (and soon - while moving). I don't do a whole lot of sitting these days - although I don't do a whole lot of hard core exercise either. I think my biggest challenge in the next few weeks will be with food. Not having a fully functional kitchen for a while may hinder things a bit. But, I will really try to get good meals on the table.

As of last week, I reinstated no dessert Wednesdays. I will also shoot to add a second day each week of no desserts.

So, lots going on here. All part of the adventure. Anyone else having a big adventure to start the new year?

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