
Monday, August 20, 2012

Exercise Ideas

Family exercise - what I like the most (rolling down hills, leap frog, chase, etc)

I have been searching Pinterest again for some exercise ideas. I want to have a long list of ideas so I don't get so bored! And, since most of the options are not a lot of fun, I want to keep them rotating.

I also have some pretty strict restrictions on types of exercises that can fit into my life and physical limitations.

My limitations:

I typically exercise in the morning (get it done with while I have energy).
I have kids with me (so I pretty much need to be able to do it at home, or the kids have to come along).
Needs to be free.
Must be back friendly. (can't run or even brisk walk)
Don't have access to a pool (and the few times we do, I have to spend my time with the youngest as she can't swim yet)

I really liked this idea of writing options on large popsicle sticks and store them in a jar. Then just pick one each day. My kids like to pick one for me (yay - a way to include the kiddos). Lucky me, I had a box of craft sticks and 2 pretty jars available from candles that I could re-purpose!

I used a couple of exercise tapes that work for me.
These workouts.
And this workout.

My favorite version of the weight room...

I am still on the lookout for options that could work for me.

What do you like to do for exercise?

1 comment:

  1. I am not great about exercising year round. During the fall and winter, we work out at the gym. I usually run fro 20-30 minutes, then do weight training for about 30 minutes. I get a little lazy in the summer when it is nice out and I would rather sit in the lawn chair with a cool drink and a good book after work! But I do play with the kiddos and we usually go for a walk downtown on the weekends when we go to the farmer's market. (So I'm not a total slacker!) :)
