
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A few good tips

I love Pinterest - don't you? Some days I find myself sucked into the twisting winding never ending blog heaven. There are SOOOO many great ideas out there - for everything. One such night, I came upon several places with tips for weight lose. Yes, I too am always looking for the easy way out of weight loss. Even though I KNOW you just have to eat right and exercise. I keep hoping there is an EASIER answer. The right answer is simple - but SOOO not easy.

I came across this link. There are several good tips here. My favorite - using your fist for portion sizes. No, this does not apply to everything (like the cookie dough I would really like to eat), but is a good guide. Don't eat any portion size larger than your fist.
My second favorite tip - don't eat anything within 3 hours of going to bed.

As for exercise, I think I am going to try this idea. (sorry, I can't find the original source for this one) I plan on making it this weekend. Maybe I will have a cute container to put the sticks into. I have a couple of other exercise ideas pinned here that I think will be something I can do. I have to look for something that I can do at home, inside, without taking an hour, AND without special equipment. Because really, I would rather be sewing (or baking, but that feeds my problem) and don't have space for special equipment (or won't give space for the equipment???).

I think I can do these. I will first shoot for 10 lbs. WHEN I am successful, I will reward myself (maybe with a yard or two of yummy fabric I have been crushing on) and keep going.

Do you have any good tips?

How do you like to reward  yourself for accomplishing goals?

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