
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A few good tips

I love Pinterest - don't you? Some days I find myself sucked into the twisting winding never ending blog heaven. There are SOOOO many great ideas out there - for everything. One such night, I came upon several places with tips for weight lose. Yes, I too am always looking for the easy way out of weight loss. Even though I KNOW you just have to eat right and exercise. I keep hoping there is an EASIER answer. The right answer is simple - but SOOO not easy.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Summer Fun

Kid Fun
So far during this summer school break, things have gone pretty well. The kids are sleeping in, which makes me happy, and have been playing together relatively well (which makes me even happier). But, we still need things to do so we aren't plugged in all the time.