
Saturday, March 3, 2012


Well, after just one week - I have lost 6 pounds! 

I have exercised 5 of 7 days for 25-45 minutes each day. I also worked hard at not eating so much crap. I have avoided completely empty calories. I DID eat desserts - just WAY less and all homemade with at least SOME healthier ingredients in them. Even if that just means using some whole wheat flour. That being said, I did not have any MAJOR cravings this week - those will come soon enough. So, it has been a relatively easy week. I KNOW it will NOT be like this much longer. But, for today - I celebrate! How? Probably with a little extra time in the sewing room. Maybe I will buy myself some pretty flowers for the kitchen.

What are your favorite NON-FOOD ways to celebrate?


  1. Time for myself, new music, a walk uptown with my neighbor....I am not the best at non-food celebrating.

  2. I am not good at non-food celebrating either! Hopefully I will get better at that.
