
Monday, February 27, 2012

Yummy Drink/Breakfast

One of my favorite morning drinks is a yogurt drink/smoothie. It is simple and with tofu, will hold you over for a while.

here is the recipe:

1/2 banana
1/2 container of strawberries
1/2 container of tofu (either silken or soft)
16 oz low fat/non-fat vanilla yogurt - I like the vanilla light and fit
1 TBSP sweetener(optional )

Throw everything except the sugar into a blender. Blend away! I like to taste and then add sugar as needed. Blend one more time. Pour in glass and enjoy! All of the amounts are approximate. This is very forgiving. Use any fruits to change color and flavors! Might also be good as a soft frozen ice cream!!! May need to try the ice cream version later this week!

Hope you enjoy!

Day 2: 179 lbs
Exercise - not yet, but plan to next! Little one is dictating things a bit today. I think I will do a 'circuit' type workout so I can do it in the family room with her.

Oh yeah - I HURT!!!! Guess that means I did something right yesterday. I fear for tomorrow! :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. SOunds good! My favorite breakfast is 1 cut up apple, 1small container of yogurt on top (non fat of course) and a sprinkle of granola. Mix it up and eat. Keeps me going all morning!
