
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Hand Made Bathing Suit

Off the rack clothes fit most. HAH! As I learn more about alterations, I am learning to see how most people go around in clothes that just don't fit. A dart here or there, the right sleeve length, pant length, etc can make such a difference in how a garment fits and feels. I still have A LOT to learn, but that is part of the fun, right? RIGHT?

I am really supportive of others - it's not you, it's the clothes. Don't worry about making you fit the clothes, make the clothes fit you. Seriously. But I still struggle to apply that same thinking to myself. REALLY? Yes, really. I know, just shake your head at me and move on.

So, I'm thinking of making a bathing suit. Maybe if one fit better and actually flattered my body I might feel more comfortable. Also, I refuse to spend $100-$150 on a cute, modest suit that will never really fit quite right. So, I'm going to do a little fabric shopping and see if I can make one for under $30.

I have a few ideas pinned to my sewing pinterest board along with some tips - just in case anyone else wants to join me in my new quest.

I was thinking something like this...

Or this...

But, since I WILL NOT do a halter top I will do something a little different. Don't get me wrong, I love the look of halter tops - on other people. But they are not flattering for me, and they just HURT! 

So, do you have a favorite swim suit? Where do you like to shop for suits? Have you ever made, or thought of making, your own suit?

Later y'all!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Farm Growth

Our farm just always keeps us busy. We are in a bit of a 'lull' now - but really, that still means a lot of work!

The pumpkins are growing!!! We have lost several plants to viruses, but the molds and bugs have not really been a problem as of yet. Knock on wood!! It is really nerve wracking to watch everyday when we NEED these pumpkins to grow for the patch this fall. I don't know how full time farmers do this!!!

Fields early in the planting phase...

Growing bigger...

Getting flowers and some fruit set.

Flowers with bees.

Early stage fruit set.

And some miscellaneous bugs along the way.

We have been hand pollinating the plants as well as letting the bees do their thing. The plants that were seeded first mostly have fruits starting on them now. We really enjoy watching the progress along the way. If all goes well, we will have plenty of pumpkins for the patch this fall. We continue to work on the business side of things as well. We are now officially an LLC and have a farm number! We are working on all the signs needed on the farm too. Lots to do, lots to do! 

A few weeks ago we got a load of 9 yards of mulch! I am down to the last 1-2 wheel barrels. One of the projects I posted about a while ago was this area. It now has mulch. Next step will be to get some plants!

All of the existing beds also got a fresh layer of mulch and I made a new place under some trees that just can't be mowed. That will get some hostas - eventually. My lavender garden also got some much needed mulch. Slowly but surely things are looking nicer. 

The second batch of ducks are about 3 weeks old now and enjoy relaxing in the grass. 

Our first set of turklets just arrived this morning! They are MUCH louder than chicks and ducklings. 

We have blackberries galore. I have to pick every couple of days to keep up. Squash and cucumbers are also abundant. I have dried some oregano and some mint. I use the dried stuff while cooking and in my homemade soaps. 

And on Sundays we have been putting of a little road side stand. The kids help with this and I get a few hours to sit and crochet.