
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

farm update spring 2014

I have been a bit absent lately from the blog. Well, I've just been busy and have not taken the time to update the blog. So today, as it is rainy and a bit yucky outside, I thought I would spend a little time on an update for the farm.

We have been so busy this spring. We started by clearing a path in the woods for hay rides this fall with the pumpkin patch. 9 acres of solid woods. It only took 2 days to clear a path just wide enough for the truck and trailer.

We tried to keep all the big stuff and just clear underbrush. It worked fairly well. We still have TONS of cleanup. Especially since we also had a massive ice storm come through that took out some additional trees.

We have a few great spots for fairy houses. Because every farm needs a little whimsy.

We have also had an influx of baby birds. Egg laying chicks, meat chicks, and ducks! They are just so cute. 

The egg laying chickens that arrived on the farm in December are just now starting to lay eggs. Within the next month we should have LOTS of eggs to start selling. 

In the December batch, we were given 10 roosters. Yeah, that's just way too many roosters - they were all getting a bit too 'male'. It was time to deal with that problem. So, now we have 1 rooster strutting his stuff around the farm. 

We also bought a tractor! 1952 Ford 8N. I think it fits the farm perfectly. At some point we will restore the paint job, but that will wait until there is a bit more idle time on the farm. Spring is NOT that time. 

The garden space, almost 3/4 acre is close to being prepared for planting. Some of the plants have been started inside. Supplies are arriving every day for the garden. I am really looking forward to getting everything in the ground. 

We have been doing odd chores just trying to spruce things up and make areas more functional. We have done fence work and started to prepare a few areas for new planting beds. I have a small lavender patch started. I want to get a violet patch with hostas established. And a nice fall garden bed. In each I hope to have flowers planted that can be used for other purposes (crafts, food, etc). SOOOO much to plan. If you have ideas, please share. 

In between all the work, we have been trying to enjoy all the beauty around us. 
blue skies

pretty plants

fun with friends and our crazy dog

So see, we've been busy. But that is the way we like it. Hopefully most of my plant experiments will work and I can post about those later. 

Until next time...