
Monday, July 29, 2013

Welcome Cupcake!

Meet the latest addition to our family, Cupcake. For some reason, I keep calling her Penelope. I chalk it up to mommy mush brain. She has the annoying habit of waking up between 3 and 4 to go out and play. I would say to use the 'facilities' but usually she has already done that inside. :( Needless to say, with shortened sleep and messes in the kitchen - I am not the easiest person to be around in the morning. For all of my local friends - consider yourself warned. At least we are able to use a baby gate and keep her in the kitchen where messes are easier to clean.

Cupcake is an energetic 8 month old, semi house trained, mostly obedient, and only mildly irritating to Boomer. Boomer has finally decided to let her know when she goes to far. It has been interesting to see both dogs interact. Both are somewhat submissive, so it is interesting watching their relationship develop.

We had started looking at some other Treeing Walker Coonhounds (just like Boomer) that are available around the area. Of course - aren't they all cute?!?!? We has JUST started talking about getting a second dog. Silly me, I'm thinking (hoping) we will get another dog just a sweet and calm as Boomer. Of course, I forgot he was a bit of work at first to. Then just 3 days later, poof - we have a new dog.

Lucy has discovered a love for training Cupcake. Getting Cup to sit and giving her a treat puts a huge smile on Lucy's face. She walks around with quit the strut. Since Lucy is smaller than Cupcake, I can see how empowered she feels. And, isn't it nice to get a dog to sit still instead of tackling you? Who wouldn't like that?!

So, we all continue to adjust and try to spread the love.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Upcycle Projects

Yes, we have been really busy outside lately, but I have still found some time to sew. Here are some pics of a few of the projects I have been working on. These projects are focused on finding new uses for old items.

Up first: coffee sack tote bags. This is the front and back of one bag. I have several more in the works. I love the look of these - but really, working with burlap is not my favorite. It is SOOOO messy. Luckily, I have a serger which makes the job a little less messy.

Fun, right?

Next up: summer dresses made from men's shirts. Fun sun dresses that just slip on. The elasticized area sits above the waist, just below the bust to flatter most body types. Every dress is unique. Cool and stylish or just off?

 I have a new respect for picking fabrics and envisioning the final product. Some items are easier than others.

Until later...


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Peaches and Blackberries

We love peaches around here. Sadly, we don't get good peaches very often. I was fortunate enough to find a road side stand this year that is selling peaches from South Caroline. They have been sooooo good!!! I have gone back to buy more, twice. I hope to go back and buy a whole case to can, but we shall see how much time I have on my hands.

I have made a low sugar peach jam. Yum.

Peach crisp. Put over ice cream, extra yum.

And my first attempt at canning peaches: let's just say, my mother-in-law and I decided to quit while we were behind. I think the end result was good, but the process did not go overly well. I was so glad to have her by my side - otherwise I really would have thought I was crazy and completely inept. Turns out, it was the peaches, not me. Phew. I hope to try again next week.

And yes, I have made some blackberry jelly too. I love to have a bit of jelly with some of my homemade peanut butter.

The first berries of the season were really pretty. The last week, not so much. I am not sure what has gone wrong, but I assume all the rain has something to do with it. The jelly still tastes good, but is a little more cloudy. Oh well, I will still enjoy the jelly come this winter!

Have you been preserving any of this summer's bounty? What are your favorite methods?

Until later...