
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hats, Hats, and more Hats

I love hats! I really need to make myself more, but I seem to always make them for the kids. Seems most of my sewing is either for the store or for my kids. Melly Sews is doing hat week this week, so I thought I would share some pics of some of my favorites. I wish I had better pics, but we can't have professional pictures all the time, can we!

As a disclaimer, I make most of my own hat patterns. Many of the ideas come from pictures I see somewhere and then I tweak to make them fit my needs. There are many free patterns and tutorials out there that are similar to what I have made. If anyone is interested in one particular style, I will add details about how I made them later.

First: Summer hats
I have a bucket pattern I like to use and a modified bucket that I use to make monster hats - they're just fun.
My kids always have summer hats - because I do melanoma research - and sun protection is big at my house. But, have you noticed - there are not a lot of options in the US that provide sun protection and are cute/fun?! Plus, the ones they do have, are just expensive.  Not to mention, it is difficult to find hats that are socially acceptable in the US. I know, I know, I shouldn't worry about what other people think. I don't. My kids do (and are too young yet to get past that). So, I started making my own - trying to be socially acceptable and fashionable AND provide at least some sun protection. I've never been on the cutting edge of fashion, so not sure I actually hit that point - but I have made hats that my kids like to wear - so I call that a win!
My bucket hat - kind of a Paddington Bear style.

Rounded bucket hat style with monster embellishment.
I also made a newsboy type hat. My daughter LOVES it - and I must say, she can wear hats! I just wish I had a picture of her in it - she refused to let me take one yesterday... 

I have also tried a couple of wide brimmed hats for me (yes, WIDE brims). I have followed 2 patterns and have not liked the results. So, if I try one again, I will make my own pattern. I have my favorite cowboy hat I wear all summer - it is 4 years old now and has seen its better days. I really need to find another option, but I love it so much and I can't buy another one. :( 

Winter hats - I make fleece and crochet hats for winter. I have done the standard fleece hat with the triangles lots and on some I like to add fabric flowers, buttons, etc to make them a little more interesting.

 I also add some extra fleece or felt piece to make monster winter hats - again, just because they are fun.

Or animal hats?? Say a blue giraffe (because that is what my niece wanted)

Or an orange lion... because who doesn't like blaze orange? :)

But for me, I like to be a little more boring. I do like finding fun fleece prints though.

Or plain old grey, for my go with everything hat.

Then there are the modified 'pill box' type fleece hats with flowers.

And an Elvis hat - made for a special boy during his battle against cancer.

And a scoodie made from fleece and cotton fabrics for those that don't like hats and prefer hoods. I used this tutorial.

And then there are the crocheted hats. I don't really follow a pattern for these, I just wing it. Here is a cloche.

Or just a beanie.

with a little sparkle...

Or with buttons... (and yes, I love orange)

I've made about a million hats - so I will stop boring you with pictures. There is one hat challenge I have not yet done - as I don't know what material to use. My son requested a Helmet from the British Zulu war uniform. He wants it hard - like a helmet. Uhhh, ok? According to my son, 'it's simple. Just go buy some Kevlar and cotton'. Yeah, I'll get right on that. So for now, it sits until I come up with an idea. 

Do you like hats? What is your favorite style?

Monday, September 10, 2012

Awareness Month

September - so many wonderful things about this month! I love fall, it is my FAVORITE time of year.

Cooler temps, low humidity, lots of sunshine and time to be outside. Apple picking,

camp fires, s'mores (of course), 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Speed Cleaning

Over the past month I have discovered a 'new' exercise routine. Speed cleaning.

We are currently trying to sell our house. I am not always on top of things. I have a life, and cleaning is NOT at the top of the priority list. That being said, if someone wants to see the house in 3 hours, I'm not going to say no. So, enter Speed Cleaning.

I actually have to RUN through the house at various times to get it all done. Sweeping, mopping, bathroom cleaning, etc. etc... Big dirty house - clean in 2.5 hours.  I don't know how many calories I burn, but it feels like a lot. And I am always sore for 1-2 days after.